Friday, November 11, 2016

Approach Sequence

 The approach sequence shall be established in a manner which will facilitate arrival of the maximum number of aircraft with the least average delay.

Aircraft approaching aerodrome are considered to have priority for approach in which they are estimated to arrive over the holding point associated with the instrument approach. The first aircraft to arrive over the holding point should be at the lowest level with the following aircraft at successively higher level.

The sequence in which aircraft will approach shall be established before the aircraft reach the transfer point (planning ahead).

Priority shall be given to:
a) aircraft which anticipates being compelled to land because of factors affecting the safe operation of the aircraft (engine failure, shortage of fuel, etc.);

Note.— The first priority shall only be given if the flight crew has reported emergency message preceded by the word MAYDAY

b) hospital aircraft or aircraft carrying any sick or seriously injured person requiring urgent medical attention;

Note.— The first priority shall only be given if the flight crew has reported urgency message preceded by the word PANPAN

c) aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations; and
d) other aircraft as may be determined by the appropriate authority.

Note 1.— For military aircraft, pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Defense and Security, will be handled as civilian aircraft, except when there is a special letter or notification from the Ministry of Defense and Security

Note 2.— For VIP flight will only be handled in accordance with the rules and procedure for VIP Flight Operation when there is a NOTA containing the VIP flight activities, including the duration of closing of aerodrome.

Note 3.— The Presidential flight is usually treated as VIP flight where special handling is exercised, such as closing the aerodrome for any period of time (there may be a welcome ceremony, etc). However, even though there is a VIP flight, if there is an emergency aircraft, the latter shall have the priority over the VIP flight.

For VOR approach runway 16R, the succeeding aircraft shall be cleared for instrument approach when :

a) the preceding aircraft has reported that it is able to complete its approach without encountering instrument meteorological conditions (visual contact); or
b) the preceding aircraft is in communication with and sighted by SHE TWR and reasonable assurance exist that a normal landing can be accomplished. .

For ILS approach runway 34L, the succeeding aircraft shall be cleared for instrument approach when :
a) the preceding aircraft has reported that it is able to complete its approach without encountering instrument meteorological conditions (visual contact); or
b) the preceding aircraft is in communication with and sighted by SHE TWR and reasonable assurance exist that a normal landing can be accomplished; or
c) the preceding aircraft has reported that he/she executes missed approach procedure.

 In establishing the approach sequence, the need for increased longitudinal spacing between arriving aircraft due to wake turbulence shall be taken into account.

If the pilot of an aircraft in an approach sequence has indicated an intention to hold for weather improvement, or for other reasons, such action shall be approved. However, when other holding aircraft indicate intention to continue their approach to land, the pilot desiring to hold should be cleared BT NDB or TF NDB and be given with onward clearance time (OCT). Alternatively, the aircraft should be given a clearance to place it at the top of the approach sequence so that other holding aircraft may be permitted to land. Coordination shall be effected with BTF ACC, when required, to avoid conflict with the traffic under the jurisdiction of BTF ACC.

When establishing the approach sequence, an aircraft which has been authorized to absorb a specified period of notified terminal delay by cruising at a reduced speed en route, should, in so far as practicable, be credited with the time absorbed en route.

 In case there is an aircraft which sensitive to high fuel consumption at low levels, he shall be permitted to hold at relatively higher level without losing his order in the sequence. The lower aircraft may be cleared to BT NDB/TF NDB for holding to give way the aircraft which sensitive to high fuel consumption.

An aircraft on holding stack may be cleared to descend to lower level after the lower aircraft has reported vacating it, except when severe turbulence is known to exist.

Note.— The controller must bear in mind that when different types of aircraft are operating in close proximity, a rate of descent within the scope of the slower aircraft is used as a common rate of descent for both aircraft.

Transfer of communications of IFR flight from SHE APP to SHE TWR shall be effected at BTF VOR (heading inbound to final approach) when the runway-in-use is 16R and at SH NDB (heading inbound to final approach) when the runway-in-use is 34L


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