Missed approach for VOR approach runway 16R.
Missed approach procedure for VOR approach runway 16R is Climb to
3 000 feet and turn right return to BTF VOR/DME for another approach or as
instructed by SHE APP, consequently the altitude3 000 feet over BTF VOR/DME
shall be reserved until the aircraft executing instrument approach has
positively reported that it has established visual contact.
Due to the missed
approaching aircraft returns to BTF VOR/DME (the
original instrument approach fix) for another
approach and the succeeding aircraft will be cleared for approach after the
preceding aircraft has established visual contact, in this case, the first aircraft
will land number one, the second aircraft will be number two, and so on. This
type of approach is named consecutive approach.
Missed approach for ILS approach runway 34L
Missed approach for ILS approach runway 34L is
Climb straight ahead
proceed to BTF VOR/DME climb to 2 000 feet for further approach clearance or as instructed by SHE APP. Because of
this maneuver, the altitude 3 000 feet over SH NDB may be assigned to succeeding aircraft after the preceding aircraft has
reported leaving 3 000 ft. heading outbound.
Note.— When missed approaching aircraft has reached BTF VOR/DME 2 000 feet, the aircraft shall be climbed to 3 000
feet or above (depend on SHE APP decision)
over BTF VOR/DME then be instructed to SH
NDB/LOC for another approach. A new expected approach time (EAT) shall be
passed to aircraft without delay.
Due to the missed
approaching aircraft does not return to SH NDB/LOC and climb to 2 000 feet until BTF VOR/DME and the
succeeding aircraft will be cleared for approach after the preceding aircraft has established visual contact or has executed
missed approach, in this case, the second aircraft can be number one, and the
first aircraft will be number two or something, and so on. This type of approach is named non-consecutive approach.
In the type of
non-consecutive approach, there can be a situation where while the preceding missed
approaching aircraft on climb processing over BTF VOR/DME, the succeeding
aircraft executes missed approach. If so,
further approach shall be disallowed until one or of both have returned to the
holding point or have cleared the airspace for missed approach.
Aircraft carrying missed
approach procedure shall be cleared as the procedure specified in instrument approach chart. However,
if traffic condition permit or for expediting traffic, aircraft using runway
34L,missed approaching aircraft may be cleared to climb left turn to 3 000 feet return to SH NDB/LOC.
Note.— When there is assurance that missed approaching aircraft is instructed to return to SH NDB/LOC, SHE TWR just instruct
the aircraft using phraseology : [C/S] STANDBY FURTHER INSTRUCTION. It means that the aircraft continues to execute the
established missed approach procedure while waiting further instruction.
Holding procedures
In the event of extended
delays, aircraft should be advised of the anticipated delay as early as possible and, when
practicable, be instructed or given the option to reduce speed en route in
order to absorb delay.
When delay is expected,
BTF ACC shall be responsible for clearing aircraft to the holding fix, and for including holding
instructions, and expected approach time or onward clearance time, as
applicable, in such clearances.
After coordination with
SHE TWR, SHE APP may clear an arriving aircraft to a visual holding location to hold until further
advised by SHE TWR.
Location at which the
pilot can determine by visual reference to the
surface, if he is familiar with, it may be used as
visual holding point. Points ALPHA and BRAVO may also be designated as visual holding
point by SHE APP, provided that prior-coordination
has been effected with SHE TWR.
Levels at a holding fix
or visual holding location shall as far as practicable be assigned in a manner that will facilitate
clearing each aircraft to approach in its proper priority. Normally, the first
aircraft to arrive over a holding fix or
visual holding location should be at the lowest level, with following aircraft
at successively higher levels.
When extended holding is
anticipated, turbojet aircraft should, when practicable, be permitted to hold at higher levels in order
to conserve fuel, while retaining their order in the approach sequence.
If an aircraft is unable
to comply with the published or cleared holding
procedure, alternative instructions shall be issued.
For the purpose of
maintaining a safe and orderly flow of traffic, an aircraft may be instructed to
orbit at its present or at any other position, provided the required obstacle
clearance is ensured.
Holding pattern and entry
Holding Pattern
Holding patterns in use
within SHE CTR are as contained in the table 5 below.
Table 5
Holding patterns in use within SHE CTR
Holding entry
Holding entry procedures are as seen on
figures 5, 6 and 7 below and figures 8 on page 79).
- From AMBER and BT NDB : parallel entry
- From BURSA, COMET and : direct entry
- From DORIN and TF NDB :
Figure 5. BTF VOR/DME holding entry offset entry
- From BT NDB : offset
- From TF NDB and DORIN
: direct
- From ECTOR : parallel
Figure 6. SH NDB/LOC holding entry
c) BT NDB :
- From SW NDB and AMBER
: direct
- From BTF VOR/DME : parallel entry
- From SH NDB/LOC and
ECTOR : offset entry
Figure 7. BT NDB holding entry
d) TF NDB :
- From BTF VOR/DME and
BURSA : parallel entry
- From COMET, CORAL and
DORIN : direct entry
- From SH NDB/LOC :
offset entry
Figure 8. TF NDB holding entry
Holding instruction
Holding instruction
shall be issued as early as possible, normally at the time an aircraft makes the
initial contact and shall not be later than 3 - 5 minutes before aircraft
estimated to arrive holding fix to permit the pilot to arrange his/her flight
to join holding pattern in accordance with the
entry procedure without delay.
Instruction to aircraft
for holding shall be issued in the following circumstances :
a) for approach sequence;
b) for separation purposes;
c) when due to weather (waiting for improvement); or
d) when due to other reason (runway is blocked, etc.)
Holding for weather improvement
Adverse weather
condition on SHE aerodrome shall be relayed to allaircraft, preferably at the
earlier time.
For the first aircraft
to arrive holding point or enter holding pattern shall be advised using the phraseology
Subsequent aircraft
entering holding pattern, shall be advised using the phraseology : DELAY NOT DETERMINED……
When a pilot holding
above other traffic wishes to make an approach,
while the lower aircrafts intend to hold for weather
improvement, the aircraft desiring to hold shall be given with instruction to
proceed to BT NDB or TF NDB and be given with onward clearance time (OCT).
If an attempt to execute
a landing is not successful, SHE APP shall provide route instruction to the aircraft. Climb
instruction shall be given as appropriate.
The possibility of
missed approach shall be considered whenever aircraft making approach in adverse weather condition. The
lowest holding altitude at the convenient holding point shall normally be kept vacant
for such eventuality.
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